Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Welcome Back!

How exciting it is to begin another year!
Even more exciting is that with each new year, come new friends and faces--and this year-- a new classroom!

We spent our first week getting to know each other and becoming acclimated with our class schedule, routine, procedures, and expectations.
Ask your child about our color chart, BBQ Bucks, and our class pet, Ike.
Today, we launched our first math unit on place value. Here we will be exploring the 4 unique ways to represent 3- and 4-digit numbers. Standard form uses only digits. (243) Expanded form shows the sum of the value of each digit. (200 + 40 + 3) Word form uses only words. (two hundred forty-three) Place value blocks allow students to hold and manipulate a number using flats (100), rods (10), and cubes (1). We will also work on comparing numbers and ordering numbers.
We have published our first piece of writing which we are eager to share with you on Monday, September 12, at Memorial Park's Back-to-School Night from 6 pm until 7 pm. Today, we finished drafts for our second published pieces entitled "This Summer was One in a Melon!"
Stay tuned for more information about our daily schedule, class contract, and book nooks.
Before you go, take a peek at a few of our read aloud favorites!

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