
We sure are wired!

In addition to this class blog....

We tweet classroom updates, daily snapshots, and reminders. Be sure to follow us @MrsMacksGrade3 on Twitter.

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We regularly use our Google Drive accounts for typing published pieces and creating presentations using Google Slides.

December/ January Expository Pieces

 Joey, an expert on hockey, shares his piece aloud. 

December Wampanoag Projects

In conjunction with our study of the first people to Massachusetts, students used our Social Studies text Massachusetts: Our Home to research topics about the Wampanoag tribe. Their informative articles were compiled in the newest issue of The Wampanoag Gazette.

Shakwan and Isabella's news report on the spring chores of the Wampanoag.

Marissa and Nathan W. report for The Wampanoag Gazette on the tribe's hunting.

Chris and Joao offer step-by-step instructions to building a wetu in spring.

Rylee reports for The Wampanoag Gazette and informs readers of the chores of the young girls and boys.  

Important tools created and used by members of the Wampanoag tribe can be heard here in Mike and Daniel's news report.

Lily and Joey report on the Wampanoag's winter home-- an often crowded longhouse.

We also text using Remind101. Follow a few easy steps to receive text message reminders.

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