Weekend Tickets debuted this month. What a great opportunity for students to reflect on the week's lessons, discussions, and activities! Sign and return your child's Weekend Ticket as evidence of the conversation you had with your child. Your child will earn a $100 BBQ Buck bonus, and you will gain insight into your child's week.

We celebrated the 100th Day by displaying our badges announcing that we are 100 days smarter! We also enjoyed a very fitting 100 calorie pack snack.
In writing, students used a two-column note organizer to describe what life might be like when they turn 100 years old. Writers described their appearance, residence, family, and hobbies. They were quite entertaining to read! :)
Many students also shared their 100th day collections. Below, Conor, Charlie, Derek, Ryan C., Shelby, and Sydney share their creative collections.
In the spirit of the 100th day, Rosie and I dressed up as though we were 100 years old-- glasses, gray hair, and a cane for me!
As we got into the Valentine spirit, we sorted our Valentine conversation hearts by color and recorded the fraction for each color heart. The denominator, or total, remained the same. The numerator signified the number of hearts in a particular color.
In honor of President's Day, students explored a variety of informational texts on the topic of presidents, their families, and pets. Check out these interesting facts about presidential pets!
In Writer's Workshop, students are eagerly publishing their five paragraph opinion pieces detailing their favorite hobby or holiday. Below, Shane and Mike W. work at lap desks as they make final edits and revisions.
Voila! Their pieces are published!
Our final lesson in our verb unit discussed contractions. An apostrophe replaces the letter(s) that are removed.
We learned about two new apps this month. Balloon Stickies is a great way to show our thinking, questions, and inferences. Deep Sea Duel supports addition strategies, mental math, and problem solving.
We continued to explore fractions in Homework Club playing several rounds of Fraction Bingo.
We studied flags from countries around the world and determined if they represented equal or unequal parts.
As we explored fractions on the number line, we learned that mixed numbers represent a whole and a fractional part. We made mixed number booklets to show increasing fractions.
As we gear up for MCAS next month, we practiced smart test tasking strategies such as reading the questions first, predicting a text's genre, highlighting key words, closely reading a text for paragraphs' main ideas, and rereading a text for multiple purposes.
Below, we used color coding to track evidence of our answer in an informational text about polar bear cubs.
This week, our focus has been on making inferences using the text and our own schema. We read a few of David Shannon's No, David! books and made inferences about what David was doing and why. We also used text evidence to infer character traits that describe David, his mother, and teacher.
Below, Candace searches a thesaurus for a synonym for the adjective mean.
Next, we will explore poetry, idioms, adjectives, and adverbs.
Hello Mrs. Mack. I didn't know you had another blog. I'm glad to have found it because I miss hearing from. I just added a post to a throwback link-up and included your Throw Your Tooth on the Roof activity. I hope you can check it out:
I'm going to follow this blog,too!